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Events for December 29, 2024 - February 28, 2024

“The Pilgrim Mourning His Dead Ass”

Queens, New York 34th Ave, NY, United States

Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridicule mus. Donec quam felis Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient. Sed vel tellus quis ipsum condimentum suscipit. Nunc pretium luctus ullamcorper. Aenean et leo fringilla, vehicula nisi sed, malesuada lectus. Donec facilisis vitae tortor vel venenatis. Praesent in tortor dolor. Mauris eget nunc eget dolor tristique tincidunt at vitae nulla. Nunc leo ex, hendrerit tincidunt mauris, meu convallis luctus est. Phasellus nec facilisis mauris. Suspendisse augue dui, non congue.

Franklin Carmichael – “Autumn Hillside”

Queens, New York 34th Ave, NY, United States

Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridicule mus. Donec quam felis Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient. Sed vel tellus quis ipsum condimentum suscipit. Nunc pretium luctus ullamcorper. Aenean et leo fringilla, vehicula nisi sed, malesuada lectus. Donec facilisis vitae tortor vel venenatis. Praesent in tortor dolor. Mauris eget nunc eget dolor tristique tincidunt at vitae nulla. Nunc leo ex, hendrerit tincidunt mauris, meu convallis luctus est. Phasellus nec facilisis mauris. Suspendisse augue dui, non congue.

Unique Exhibition Johan Zoffany

Queens, New York 34th Ave, NY, United States

Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridicule mus. Donec quam felis Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient. Sed vel tellus quis ipsum condimentum suscipit. Nunc pretium luctus ullamcorper. Aenean et leo fringilla, vehicula nisi sed, malesuada lectus. Donec facilisis vitae tortor vel venenatis. Praesent in tortor dolor. Mauris eget nunc eget dolor tristique tincidunt at vitae nulla. Nunc leo ex, hendrerit tincidunt mauris, meu convallis luctus est. Phasellus nec facilisis mauris. Suspendisse augue dui, non congue.

Golden Age of Renaissance Exhibition

Queens, New York 34th Ave, NY, United States

Works of a German neoclassical painter Johan Zoffany who lived and created his masterpieces in Europe and India. The artist is appreciated for his detailed depiction of domestic life in the Georgian period.

Jean Francois De Troy “Bathsheba At Her Toilet”

Queens, New York 34th Ave, NY, United States

Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridicule mus. Donec quam felis Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient. Sed vel tellus quis ipsum condimentum suscipit. Nunc pretium luctus ullamcorper. Aenean et leo fringilla, vehicula nisi sed, malesuada lectus. Donec facilisis vitae tortor vel venenatis. Praesent in tortor dolor. Mauris eget nunc eget dolor tristique tincidunt at vitae nulla. Nunc leo ex, hendrerit tincidunt mauris, meu convallis luctus est. Phasellus nec facilisis mauris. Suspendisse augue dui, non congue.

Exploring the Universe’s Greatest Mysteries

Embark on a cosmic adventure as we investigate the most profound and perplexing mysteries of the universe. From the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations to the enigma of black holes, this event features engaging presentations, thought-provoking discussions, and cutting-edge research. Renowned scientists and researchers will share…

Journey Into Alien Abduction Stories

Delve into the mysterious world of alien abductions with firsthand accounts, interactive exhibits, and expert panels. Discover the truth behind these fascinating and often chilling stories, and explore the impact of alien encounters on human life. Engage with experts who have dedicated their lives to…

Uncovering Secrets of Extraterrestrial Life

Join us for a captivating event that reveals the latest discoveries and theories about extraterrestrial life. Featuring leading scientists and researchers, this event offers a comprehensive look at the search for life beyond Earth, including new findings, technological advancements, and the implications for humanity. Learn…

Records & Rebels 1966-1970

Queens, New York 34th Ave, NY, United States

This major exhibition shows the revolutionary art of the late 1960s, expressed through some of the greatest music hits of the 20th century as well as paintings, film industry, fashion and design.